Liberal Lovers

A poem

Late nights and lunch dates,
Long waits and laughable debates.

Teas, treats and tipsy walks down dimly lit streets,
Tripping on beaten tracks and frightening trails.

Filled with fearful uncertainty, thrilled with triumphal frivolity,
Navigating negativity and neutralizing naysayers.

Attacking assimilation, You and Me an unlikely configuration,
Constant inspiration and charming conversation.

After careful consideration and wreckless declarations,
After wistful longings and tearful tragic tellings,

After senseless spinning and secret pining,
The simultaneous insanity and clarity,

All of which cannot capture the cataclysmic crazy,
that will always be, You and Me.

Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash



Sanchia Sukraj

Software developer and wannabe social anthropologist.