Crazy Lady
I live in a middle-class bubble. This means during the lockdown I got to work from home in a cosy apartment with a fibre connection and a well-stocked fridge so I can complain about cooking every day.
I know that every second of this cushy life is a privilege that so so many others don’t have. I am, and always will be, so grateful for that.
As the restrictions lift and I go outside more and more, I hate the outside more and more. Not because I’m a snob or I’m scared of the virus, the details of which are so obscure if you ask people why their afraid, half can’t tell you why and other half think they’ll drop dead in seconds.
No, I hate the outside cause it’s infuriating. It’s people asking why we locked down when less than 100 people were infected and lifting it when it’s 1000’s. It’s people being surprised the government didn’t “stop” the virus. It’s bullshit about cures from Italy and US propaganda.
It’s watching the news and complaining about poverty-stricken people standing to close to each other.
It’s just a world soaked in anxiety and fear.
While I may enjoy this middle-class bubble, the social injustices occurring under the banner of “prioritizing people and not the economy” hurts me.
Asking people to pick between starving to death or catching something most people recover from. Then forcing them to starve when they decide to hedge their bets is ridiculous.
Under the veil of fear, thieves are being trusted with billions of rands and millions of lives. Politicians who were once considered selfish, corrupt and inapt are now trusted with the physical and economic well-being of a country.
I hate leaving my bubble because the world outside makes me question my sanity. It’s makes feel like there’s something wrong with me because I question what I see. It makes feel like I’m crazy because I sympathize with the plight of the destitute. It makes me feel ashamed for looking at a bigger picture and questioning motives.
When I leave my apartment I feel like a crazy lady who lives off the grid in a cabin blaming things on the government.